Thursday, December 4, 2008

Jenna, This One's for You

OK, I've received some friendly flak concerning the status of our pests. Are they rats, or are they tiny, defenseless mice? Your honor, I submit this photo as exhibit A:
You be the judge. In case you were wondering, that's 14 inches from tip to tail. And its not EVEN the biggest one I've seen. That's 4-0 for those keeping score...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Rat Attack Update - SCORE!

Tim 2, Rats 0. So far these are pretty small rats. Must be the young, impulsive ones. The bigger ones have more self restraint. But I will break them!


Like so many households in our area--we have rats. There is (at least) a small family of large rats living in our garage. I've had enough. The hunt is on. Tonight I purchased three traps from Home Depot and set them up around 10 minutes ago. Already: Tim 1, Rats 0. Game on, rodents!

Stay tuned for more...