Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Catching Up, Part 1

Since our blog is new, and since I'm not good at coming up with interesting things to write about, I thought I would start a series to catch you up on some of the things that happened prior to our blogging days. Of course, I'm banking on the idea that someone other than me will be reading these posts some day. :)
A few weeks ago, Cole had his tonsils and adenoids removed. We finally convinced the ENT that they needed to be taken out when they became visible with his mouth closed. (OK, those really aren't his tonsils, just some string cheese) The surgery went very well, but the recovery was a bit rough. Mom used up her spring break trying to get the boy to eat and drink again. Cole went a good 5 days without eating. Most days he walked around with a mouth full of slobber because he was afraid to swallow. But we're past all that and he is finally sleeping through the night! And most mornings (except this one) he sleeps beyond his usual 5 AM wakeup time. Yea! I guess we'll pay the bills after all.

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