Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What Does It Cost? (Luke 14:25-35)

I find myself asking that A LOT these days. "Well, what does it cost?" With the economy the way it is, its not a bad question to be asking. But how often do I ask this question in relation to my walk with Christ.

I can just imagine Christ walking along the road with hoardes of people following him, thinking to himself, "They need to know. I need to know. Which ones are truly ready to follow me, to be my disciples?" And so he lays out the cost. And the cost is high.

When I look at my own life, can I truly say that the cost is high? Here's a quote from my devotional email this morning:
Why am I prepared to sacrifice some things in my life for Christ, but not others? Of course it is easier to give up some things, but if it’s easy to give something up surely it’s not a sacrifice anymore. Why do I subconsciously hold on to some things, when I know I should give everything up to my Father? And why do I pretend other things I give up are a real sacrifice when they’re insignificant?
If I looked hard enough, I could probably find something that I hold back from God every day. Most of them seem like such small things. Little things are alright, aren't they? Then I'm hit between the eyes by Jesus words in Luke 16:10, "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much." Ouch!

The question I need to dwell on is this: "What sacrifices still need to be made in my life because I'm a follower of Christ?" I know 'control' is one. What else is there? Lord God, shine your light into my dark places. Help me to see the sacrifices that still need to be made. Show me the things that I still cling tightly to so that I might release them into your loving hands. Amen.

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